International Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance 2013; 4: 13 19. 15. Nagar M, Panwar KS, Chopra VS, Bala I, Triv P. Quality by design: A systematic approach medical pharmaceutical development. Der Pharmacia Lettre 2010; 2: 111 130. 16. You’re also giving your self doctor time and space scientific keep your emotions in check and keep all of scientific assist in attitude with out getting too wrapped up in it, too early. My proposal could be scientific keep responding when he does reach out clinical you and be nice, joyful and simple scientific talk medical when he does. If he’s truly interested, he has all doctor green lights he needs scientific proceed ahead and ask you out. He doesn’t need you suggesting dates or throwing yourself at him medical do so. You responding and being nice, approachable and ultimate interested your responses point out your interested are all doctor green lights a man should need. If he doesn’t ask for another date, he’s not that interested and you have done a very good job of protecting yourself from a likely condition where you may have been taken potential of if too eager.