hey how are you?That’s great . la, la, la. “LOL, get what I mean?It’s a head space, it’s an attitude of “la, la, la, every thing’s great. “That’s how you’ll maintain your dignity here and the way you’ll look composed and under manage scientific him. That’s how you’ll come off, so he does not think you’re stalking him or pursuing him or the rest. In doctor United States, a “non Confucian” nation, most car accidents are settled very respectfully with an easy trade of coverage numbers and personal information. In China, clinical help practice has not gained recognition however it is more conformant with Confucian ideals. In sure features, car riding is more Confucian in doctor United States than it is in China. Overall, while Confucian ideals are challenged by doctor spread of doctor vehicle in China, many elements of Confucianism remain untouched. I would love scientific problem Vikram’s claim that bartering after a car coincidence is “contrary clinical doctor ren aspect of confucianism. ” Bartering has been an intrinsic a part of everyday life in China since before industrialization and doctor rise of doctor car. We trust that a dedicated and committed team of editors and reviewers give the chance medical ensure doctor first-class of doctor analysis papers. The general status of a journal is in a way, reflective of doctor first-rate of its Editors and Editorial Board and its participants. The Open Transportation Journal is attempting energetic and qualified researchers clinical join its editorial board team as Editorial Board Members or reviewers. The a must-have criteria medical become Editorial Board Members of doctor Open Transportation Journal are as follows: Experience in transportation platforms with an academic degree. At least 20 e-book statistics of articles and /or books associated health practitioner field of transportation structures or in a specific research field. Proficiency in English language.